Varicose Veins

The Stages of Vein Disease — and When You Should Seek Treatment

If you are a person who in his daily routine must stand for long periods, and this situation has been the case for a long time, it is inevitable that now you have the presence of internal varicose veins in the legs.

The problem with having varicose veins in the legs is that you must be very careful to have a vascular accident since the veins are inflamed and cause pain that compromises blood circulation.

Depending on the severity of internal varicose veins, symptoms, and signs may occur that only a specialist in the area of ​​angiology can treat by evaluating the colour of the veins that have dilated over time. Varicose veins are unsightly and can cause a variety of symptoms or lead to complications. You can get the best varicose veins treatment in Navi Mumbai.

Varicose veins can appear like the well-known spider veins or superficial veins of a darker color than usual, even the most profound veins with edema that can trigger dermatological problems such as ulcers.

Types of varicose veins:

Grade I. At this stage, the varicose veins are seen in some places through the skin. The veins are fine and purplish in color. They are usually only a cosmetic problem and can sometimes cause heaviness and fatigue in the legs.

Grade II. The veins become more visible, and the first symptoms begin to be noticed, such as heaviness and fatigue in the legs, pain, cramps, tingling, a sensation of heat or itching, and stinging.

Grade III. In this stage, the veins are more dilated, the symptoms progressively increase, and swelling, edema, and skin color changes appear.

Grade IV. Eczematous areas and ulcers appear on the skin; these ulcers are difficult to treat and risk being easily infected.

Depending on the type of varicose veins you present, the specialist doctor will focus on the most appropriate treatment for its control and cure.

 It is recommended that from grade 1, you have to seek medical attention. You need severe medical treatment from a varicose vein doctor in Mumbai from phase II to stage IV. 

The venous disease occurs when the veins cannot efficiently send blood from the legs to the heart. Venous insufficiency is a prolonged condition of the veins’ circulation. It appears due to the partial obstruction of the vessels. Varicose veins are veins that present permanent and abnormal dilations or expansions, with elongation and tortuosity.

Risk factors that worsen venous insufficiency are:

  • Age. The older, the greater the risk.
  • Female gender Studies show that it is a condition five times more common in women than in men. The situation worsens during pregnancy or under hormonal treatment.
  • Height. The higher the height, the greater the risk.
  • Genetic factors. A family history of varicose veins leads to an increased risk of suffering from the disease.
  • Obesity. Overweight and obesity increase the pressure in the veins and condition the disease.
  • Standing or sitting for long periods. Blood does not flow well through the veins if you are in the same position for long periods.

Treatments for internal varicose veins

SurgeryThe traditional method consists of removing the affected veins by sectioning them between two ligatures made at their ends and removing them by traction. The collateral branches are extracted through micro incisions and varicose veins laser treatment.

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